Latest samachaar

The waiting game has officially begun.

The due date is May 14. My gynec says Moo can enter the world 15 days earlier, also I can be overdue for a week at least.

The summer heat is making my evening walks difficult. Its the only time of the day when I step out and my already limited set of clothes courtesy the expanding belly has exhausted. Since 2 days I have been stepping out in cotton maxis without a care of what will people say ( and where I live, people say a LOT). I waddle like a penguin so I am prime time entertainment for the little ones in the society and seeing them ape me, I laugh crazy.

I have been drinking all kinds of juices to keep myself hydrated in this heat. Only aam panna is left to be relished. Should make that soon.

The society ladies are having fun predicting the gender of Moo by virtue of their God gifted full anatomical X-ray which they do and seem to be adept at. One look is all it takes and they are ready to place bets. I maintain a stoic smile throughout, which makes them add that Moo will be a quiet child 🙄 😯

At last, finally, finally I got hooked on to a book. Matthew Reilly is an old love which I recently found lying quietly in my room in a forgotten shelf, gathering dust. So happy to re-start reading with him.

I had earlier written here about how I would blog daily, but it looks too much of an effort to switch on the laptop and type a post and publish it when there is an alternative option of being in deep slumber like a hippo. So when I get these sudden bouts of energy like today, I will make you read what all is going on okie.

A different love

How is it that I tire of watching tv or reading books, but I do not tire of cooking a full meals in the Indian summer noons? Weekends, I plan menus and cook meals for our family of 4. That I am given a free rein to decide whats to be cooked, courtesy Moo should be conveniently overlooked.

I was never actively into cooking before marriage happened. I had lots of cooking disasters post marriage but a year later, I was satisfied by my cooking, as were the ones who had to eat them. Here and there I invented some mix and match, tweaked the traditional measures and substituted what all I had available in my kitchen for some basic foolproof recipes. Since an year, I started looking into the science behind it. Some of my tried and tested experiments –
Salt water fishes need not have too much lemon in their marination.
When you substitute salt with lemon juice while making poha, you really cannot tell the difference.
Chicken oozes lots of oil, so need to use too much of the same while making chicken dishes.
Coconut gratings if you add on vegetable stir frys, they taste awesome.

These sudden food thoughts brought to you in association with the awesome lunch I had today – phulkas + beet root stir fry + cauliflower masala, rounded off by the sweetest mango slices, the season’s first at our home.

I feel like a cow

I eat.

I chew.

I sleep.

*I repeat it five times a day*

* * * * * *

I wish I knew some knitting, so that I knit some clothes while sitting just like that.

I wish I knew crotchet, so that I could make some decorative pieces.

I wish I was artistic, so that I could paint something or create something.


All I know and love is writing, as a result of which you are reading this non-sensical post 😛