
In recent times, I can’t think of anything or anybody that holds so great an importance in our daily lives as does the weather.

What to wear?

What to cook?

Weekend plan outdoors or indoors?

The wonder of having four seasons in a day has started rubbing off me. Sydney weather is so unpredictable that even the trains are more dependable in comparison. There are clear divisions of winter, summer, spring and autumn and it would greatly surprise me how everything happens according to the weather forecast. Like December 1 is the start of summer and exactly on that date the temperature would soar up to 35 C from 25 C. Up until few years ago the weather patterns followed the calendar to the T.

But off late, we started having mixed weather in a single day. Early morning will be crisp and cool so you wear a jacket or cardigan when out, by midday it will become sweltering hot so you search for your hat and sunglasses which you didn’t pack because who wants to wear a hat with a jacket. Come late afternoon there is a thunder and storm and now you are wearing your jacket but searching for an umbrella because a downpour has started but that’s okay if you don’t find one because you still have a jacket to not get soaking wet. By evening when you are back to home you are chilled to the bone because have you tried walking with a wet jacket in cool wind and wet hair and you decide to check the weather app tomorrow to dress appropriately and it shows the hottest day of the week with clear blue skies and zero percent of rain.

Experience makes you wise so you carry a hat, jacket, umbrella, mittens, a wet bag and all the paraphernalia but the weather has today behaved like an obedient puppy so you are lugging everything around sweating profusely because it’s a hot clear day. Oh those days when I used to travel for work!

These days it’s a battle between the weather gods and my laundry. I don’t use a dryer and line dry our clothes either on the clothes line or a portable drying rack. I check the weather it says hot sunny day so I diligently put the clothes on the clothes line to dry in the morning. It would be blazing hot so I think I will pick them up after lunch. All of sudden there will be a storm for 5 minutes in the afternoon and everything will be soaking wet. And the next week’s forecast is cloudy and heavy showers 🤦🏻‍♀️

I have been talking

To my refrigerator – ‘I should make use of you properly. Keep you neat and useful to me. Not mix up fruits and veggies and keep them in their own seperate drawers. Plan better to use all produce and not throw anything into bin. Do not have any leftovers to adorn you’

To my saree blouses – ‘The time is nearing. It’s been long since I could use any of you. But recently I found I fit into one of you. Slowly I hope I fit into all of you. Please don’t get your hooks rusted. I do not like the stains they leave. And ignore if I do not match you with your nine yard relative. De-coupling is in’

To my ironing board – ‘You can extend your vacation for next couple of months. Take few weeks off during Easter break as well. Just don’t creak when I move you to vacuum the room. I can’t stand that sound.’

To my knife – ‘You are getting old. But isn’t the adage old is gold applicable to you? So what if I have used you too much, doesn’t mean you should lose your sharpness! Have I ever got swayed by your fancy cousins and brought them home? Some people have 6 of you to do different kinds of cuts and I have all these years stayed loyal to you to do all kinds of cuts. Is this how you repay my faithfulness?’

To my hair – ‘I don’t understand you at all. And you are not even a teenager!? The day I wash you, why do you become so rough and touchy, the conditioner is meant to smooth you but you become all wiry. Like I am on a constant static line. And few days later when your bed is greasy you become all shiny and glossy. From scraggy to slinky in two nights. When I wash you is when I have to go out so what use are you at home when you behave the best? It’s only Boo who enjoys pulling you then. Is it her who takes care of you or me? So ungrateful!’

To my dining table – ‘It is not easy to take such load day in and day out but thanks for still standing. I agree it was too much earlier today when Boo started moving on you during breakfast, but you see she had just woken up and couldn’t wait to reach out to Moo’s plate across the table from my lap. None of us has even heard a sigh when the other night she was banging and scratching you with a fork. You poor thing! I feel you! So eternally grateful you haven’t let anything down. Not planning to change you till the girls move out for college’

To my television – ‘Since the day you arrived all your attention and retention has been captured for the offspring of the house. Close to five years you have been with us but have you thought of spending even an hour with us? No. You have to indulge and regale only Moo all the time. The day she was at school and we thought of watching something other than what you usually play, of all the days only that particular day your partner the remote had to ditch us! What planning huh, genius only. I am not going to let you and her spend much time together this year, and guess what, Moo already likes my ideas. Yes it’s my way or highway’

The day after

I think I have mentioned somewhere here about how instead of the festival day, the day after should be declared a national holiday. I was expecting myself to sink into snoozeland after having one last cup of sakkarapongal before going to sleep ( wanted to avoid having leftover) last night but that one cup kicked my senses into overdrive and I couldn’t sleep till 2 and woke up before 6 😩

The all day headache which happened as an after effect of less sleep tells me I should make better decisions for post dinner snacks but but but how to say no to a bowl of sakkarapongal when it is made only once a year.

Anyway highlight of the day was Moo and I doing a word search puzzle while Boo was napping nearby. The jumble had a topic of ‘World Dances’ and we had to find about 16 dance forms and to our surprise one was Mashed Potato. Haven’t googled it yet but we sure giggled a lot about it. We end up whispering and laughing silently whenever baby sleeps so as to not wake her up but this act makes us both teary and jerky and Boo eventually wakes up to join the silent laughs.

I had a very interesting topic to talk about today but Zack is right across waiting for me to put down my phone so see you tomorrow! 😁😁