The day after

I think I have mentioned somewhere here about how instead of the festival day, the day after should be declared a national holiday. I was expecting myself to sink into snoozeland after having one last cup of sakkarapongal before going to sleep ( wanted to avoid having leftover) last night but that one cup kicked my senses into overdrive and I couldn’t sleep till 2 and woke up before 6 😩

The all day headache which happened as an after effect of less sleep tells me I should make better decisions for post dinner snacks but but but how to say no to a bowl of sakkarapongal when it is made only once a year.

Anyway highlight of the day was Moo and I doing a word search puzzle while Boo was napping nearby. The jumble had a topic of ‘World Dances’ and we had to find about 16 dance forms and to our surprise one was Mashed Potato. Haven’t googled it yet but we sure giggled a lot about it. We end up whispering and laughing silently whenever baby sleeps so as to not wake her up but this act makes us both teary and jerky and Boo eventually wakes up to join the silent laughs.

I had a very interesting topic to talk about today but Zack is right across waiting for me to put down my phone so see you tomorrow! 😁😁

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