Using the gun

…to shoot bullets πŸ˜›

  • I am loving this stay at home mom routine of mine. Everyday is the same, still it is different – one day water got over, the other day Moo made a ruckus while having her bath. She wanted to use the mug and pour water on her by herself and started screaming off when I did not allow her to do so 😐
  • Her nap times have reduced to a great extent. Earlier, she used to sleep off after lunch for a good two hours, which gave me some breather to finish the pending laundry or kitchen work. Now she hardly is asleep for more than half an hour during the afternoons. Her grandparents’s siesta have gone for a complete toss πŸ™‚
  • Because of Moo, we now have a steady stream of people coming over to see her. Neighbors mostly, apart from relatives. She takes some time to warm up to new people, but afterwards she is comfortable in their presence.
  • I am so poor in socializing 😦 We got an invite to a kids birthday party in a nearby apartment and I could not even make small talk with any of the moms over there.
  • I wrote in a journal after a very long time. I started off with what happened lately and went off-tangent, reminiscing about college days πŸ˜€
  • I keep making to-do lists everyday, but hardly finish them off. So the list keeps on increasing. Started with 2 tasks on Friday and today I have 6.
  • In the mornings, Moo wakes up first. Then she will wake me up and then Zack. What he will do God knows, but when I come out from the bathroom after my bath, the father and daughter duo will be sleeping soundly πŸ™„
  • “Do not wake up the sleeping dragon” – is what I keep on hissing to Zack, when he has sudden bouts ofΒ affection for Moo and would want to cuddle her. This mostly happensΒ at 12 or 1 in the night.
  • During her evening play time with her cousins, we now have sibling rivalry at full force. Me playing and entertaining Moo is not being taken lightly with the other kids, who are sulking and complaining that I do not play with them like earlier. It is cute and sad at the same time πŸ™‚
  • The niece is hounding me for new stories and I inadvertently let it slip that I will tell her the caterpillar story once she and I have some private time. So she makes sure not to disturb me when I am doing my chores, but keeps on checking with me on regular intervals and reminds me my ‘God promise’ which I made to her πŸ˜†
  • I want to take up some new hobby. Any ideas?

Sometimes I think, if I have married the right guy

Visha and Zack talking in whispers across a sleeping Moo.

* * *

“I could do something you know. As an alternative career option. Not go back to a 9 to 5 job, take care of Moo and yet earn some money”

“You already have your hands full, why do you want to stress yourself”

“It will break the monotony no”

“Ok, have you thought about something”

“Yeah, I say a flyer which came with the newspaper today. It said order meals via phone and it will be delivered in an hour. I could think on that lines. Cooking food and selling it. What do you think I cook the best?”






“Hot water.”

#truestory #notmadeup #verbatimdailogues

I know what Indiana Jones feels every day

My life now, is more adventurous than ever(meaning never).

Between being a service provider to an infant 24*7, running a home and trying to squeeze in some personal time with the husband, I have enough experience to author a column titled “What can you achieve in 5 minutes”.

Due to a family emergency last month, the entire set of elders moved base to another city. AND our maid went on an indefinite leave. AND there was no internet at home. Mornings saw me waking up an hour early and finishing up as many chores as possible before Moo woke up. The afternoons had me devising different ways to keep her occupied. One day, I was washing the utensils after lunch and she woke up suddenly during her post-bath nap time. One minute I would be in the kitchen, the other minute I would be in the bedroom singing her lullaby. I think that was the most I walked during a day in many months πŸ˜€

Zack planned a novel way to give me some ‘me’ time, where in he would take Moo to a walk as soon as she woke up from her morning nap. That way, she was bright-eyed and happy when she returned and played by herself on the mat till she got tired. She is greatly fascinated by the moving branches and vehicles. And would endlessly stare at the sofa on why it wont move πŸ˜€

Cooking took a new turn, where in I would make the least time-consuming and long-lasting dishes. Planning out meals in advance worked only till the vegetable tray in the fridge was filled. One day, Moo was at her crankiest best and we had run out of anything cook-able in the kitchen. Left over dal and rice from the morning were the only available dishes and I wanted something spicy as a side dish. And so onion pakoda( if I can call it) was made with gram flour, onions, salt and chilli powder. One other time, I had soaked rice to grind it as idli batter. The power went off and came back when Moo had gone to sleep. Zack called in to say he would be late by an hour. So, it was me and the mixie jar, at ten in the night to give each other company. Thankfully, she slept through the jarring noise and I had the batter ready when she woke up for her feed.

To my delight, I found out that we can save lots of money in the toys area ( yes, yes, call me kanjoos). Moo baby wants a new toy every time she is playing and I now have a bag full of household stuff ( clothes clip, wooden spoons, rulers, comb, phone, earphones, TV remote, pillows, empty cartons, plastic covers, you get the drift, etc, etc ) which hold her attention till she gets tired. The teddy bears and rattles are now forgotten and thrown away if bought near to her 😦

Moo co-sleeps with us. Meaning random kicks all over the body is purely normal. She has a tiny little pillow on which her head will rest only for one second. One night, I felt my stomach to be very warm. Turns out her head was trying to get itself buried under me :O And one other night, I got a sharp kick on my nose. God knows, when and how she did a half rotation and landed up in the opposite direction.

Couple time between Zack and me has taken a beating. We no longer have that kind of liberty, to hit the bed at the end of the day, watch a movie or an episode in the laptop and sleep cuddling each other. She hasn’t started sleeping through the night and wakes up every two or three hours for a feed or simply to coo. We take turns to sing to her and make her sleep.

Fun trivia – Which is the best form of birth control?

Answer: Having a baby.

P.S I got the broad band at home yesterday. YAY.
P.P.S I have enough fodder to read to last till the New Year πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€