Desi romance

“Why is your smartphone looking so dull?’
“I installed an app so that the screen brightness can be reduced”
“But why, it looks as if the phone is dying slowly”
“I do not want to disturb your sleep with the phone’s light”

Such incidents squash my laments consisting of why I am never showered with gifts, surprises, dates, impromptu trips, cards, mush…etc…etc….etc…

34 thoughts on “Desi romance

  1. Aww isn’t that sweet.. I had such a moment recently too when in the morning I told Ims it has been long I had corn and he gets me corn and my favorite mushroom in the evening.. 😀

  2. Visha my way of getting gifts/ hints..and big HINTS and out right demands, tantrums.. this come once in a blue moon and indeed I become dazzled by the stars in my head after that!!

  3. Awwwwwwwwwww 🙂 🙂 🙂 Zack – engeyo poiteenge!! 🙂

    Guess what S does.. puts his phone in the hall only knowing I get up for the simplest of the noises!

    Little mercies!

    • Will convey this message to him 🙂

      I could come only later that day on chat and I had already missed catching you, sometime later then 😉

      From what I know, S is a deep sleeper so anyhow you only would have to get up in case of any call no :mrgreen:

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