Boring week

How do you people make your weekends exciting and interesting?

The last week was so drab, dull and boring that I had half a mind to take run away to some secluded beach. I would at least spend my time collecting shells and playing in water.

Last weekend, I did nothing. The house was chakachak thanks to my new disease, so no house-work. I had finished reading a book on Friday night, did not have a new one to start. Simply whiled away time by watching TV. Next day I had planned for a walk by the lake. But thanks to the visit by the extended family of in-laws, it went bust. I spent time with my niece – after some time, even she was tired by the constant decibel levels in the main room. We went to my room, she promptly started bugging me to put Pogo. And I had to settle in with watching a cartoon movie about Barbie 🙄

This whole week, it was back to the home-work-home grind. The one thing I am starting to hate is these useless team meetings. First they keep a deadline for us to finish the project, then they call us to discuss the milestones in it. Only thing is there is no discussion, only listening. I had narrowly caught myself from nodding off right in front of my manager 😀

Tomorrow is Friday and I just got a mail stating the start of another project. God is making my life colourful. Colourful with three colours – black, white and red. What? These are the only colours which come up in the coding editor 😛


40 thoughts on “Boring week

  1. What coding editor is that.. I get some green tooo in mine 🙂

    take care and I hope you have a lovely weekend this time

  2. I got no understanding of the coding editors but I can imagine how tiring this kind of tricolor life can be. Hope this weekend proves to be exciting and relaxing for you 🙂

  3. We usually go for shopping and watch a movie. Then sometimes I cook something for everyone in the house. 🙂
    A weekend on a secluded beach will be heaven.

  4. It was just one weekend Visha.. stay tuned for the coming one.. I am sure its going to be interesting! Sigh.. my weekend is going to be filled up with cleaning.. 😦

    True about the team meetings.. no discussion.. one side talking. You need to atleast nod your head.. In my case.. I would put the phone on mute. 😆

    LOL about the three colors.. My editor has just two colors.. grey and black.. how boring 😦

    • Clean the house with the help of Mr.Clean GB 😉

      Phone on mute 😯 you dont get caught eh 😆

      grey and black? I should be happy in my case then 😀

  5. I know how bugging a home-work-home routine can become. Hope you get to do something exciting soon. 🙂

    Plan a surprise dinner out. Dance with Zack under the moon and stars on the terrace – put on some music. Get a CD and watch a movie that you always wanted to watch but never got the chance to. Do things differently at home – take a new route home, or cook a different dish. Read something that you do not usually read. Take up some craft that you would be interested in… the possibilities are endless.

    BTW doing nothing, watching TV, and walking by the lake side are all lovely things to do on a weekend. 🙂

    PS: Which lake? In Bangalore? If you don’t mind my asking!

  6. Take a break dear and go out and have a wonderful weekend TGIF already. I agree Home-work-Home is a sad thing especially added to it is the boring meetings Ufff Hv a great weekend dear and do let us know how was it..

  7. visting justbooks has become part of my weekend routine 🙂 Book an appointment at salon and get pampered ? Try something new in cooking ? Watch reruns of the big bang theory. I think I have given you enough ideas now. 😀

    • I am definitely getting a big thick book for myself 😀

      I have already watched the BBT 3 times, but still you are right, Sheldon can never disappoint 😉

  8. Osho I didn’t see this only !
    I hope you had a good weekend. i’d have replied similar to TGND 🙂

    I dont even want to ask what editor and all are ! 😛
    I had a not-feeling-well-and-no-appetite weekend.

  9. Meetings are boring!!! I have once slept off in a conf call. When I woke up there was a yes or no question for me and I said no. No idea what the question was. yes meetings are boring!

  10. Like everyone else has already filled you in with their lovely suggestions 🙂 I’m left with nothing creative to suggest…oh wait by creative I remember…check some paper craft you tube videos and try making them? I’ve tried a few and they are awesome to work upon 🙂 you can teach your newphew too…

    lol @ only 3 colors come up in coding 😀

  11. A movie about barbie, a big torture you had to go through, hugs re Visha 😉
    And i don’t have anything to say about making the weekends happening…all the happening weekends are a thing of past for me now 😦
    but yes, in my before Zini days, i used go out with friends for movie, eating out and shopping to enjoy, you can try that with or without Zack 😉

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